on the Pella windows I used Siga corvum 12/48 tape to connect the window frame to the foil face of the iso foam and Siga Rissan tape to the interior frame. Drywall gasket will be stapled to the tape and sealed to the drywall around the window. The Siga tapes are amazingly sticky. The Rissan tape is also stretchy to make good seals at the corners. It also has a mesh reinforcement.

This is the Siga 12/48 Corvum tape showing the 12mil section that is folded back to easily connect to the side of the window frame. The 48mil section is peeled and stuck to what ever surface you have next to the window frame. In this case the iso foam.

Here is an air barrier carried over the top plate of an interior bearing wall with gasketing to seal the drywall to.
The drywall is gasketed at all edges. At the bottom plate, a gasket is sealed to 10 mil vaporblock, which is carried to the basement.

This detail seals the beam penetration to the frame and used the drywall gasket to seal the drywall around the beam.
More air seal details to come....
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