Sunday, August 22, 2010

Villagebuilding Convergence 2010

This years VbC is almost done and some really great things have happened. Check out the website for details and more pictures.
We had many more projects this year with some very cool natural building projects including:
A cob and stone garden shed for the Barre Community Gardens which is right in downtown Barre.
And a straw-clay root cellar at All Together Now in East Montpelier.

Vermont Builder+Architect

My presentation on Natural Building at this years Better Buildings by Design conference put on by Efficiency Vt in Burlington was picked up by Vermont Builder+Architect.
The August edition is not up yet, but this link will take you to the archive page to view digital editions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Transition 1.0

In Transition 1.0 from Transition Towns on Vimeo.

Natural Building emerges at regional green building conferences

Press Release
Ben Graham has a long term vision to bring natural building methods to a wider audience of buildiers, architects, designers and people in general. This winter he will be taking a clear step in that direction by presenting on natural building at two of the biggest conference/trade shows in the northeast. The first one in February is the Vermont based conference, Better Buildings by Design put on by Efficiency Vermont in South Burlington. Then in March at the NESEA(Northeast Sustainable Energy Association) Building Energy conference in Boston.

This is an important marker in the development of natural building, which has been considered a part of the fringe. Ben hopes to create awareness of local, natural materials as another element of a designer or builderÕs pallet amongst many. Especially those interested in energy efficiency and low impact methods, natural materials and techniques offer important benefits as we develop structures for the future that use less energy and are healthy for people and the world.

Ben will show how his company, Natural Design/Build, has been working with natural materials to create high performance buildings that can not only meet rigorous energy efficiency standards but also offer benefits such as recycleability, durability and life cycle costs that out perform many products widely used and raise the bar for what it means to be green.

Better Buildings by Design

February 10 -11, 2010

Sheraton Conference center, Burlington, Vermont

Natural Building 101: Tradition meets the future of energy efficiency
Ben Graham
Natural Design/Build
Learn about how natural materials and methods are being redefined to become the next high performance system for low impact construction. You will see the latest details for straw bale, light clay and earth plaster solutions for the northeast and beyond. We will look at the building science and the latest data that supports using natural building methods to achieve high-level energy efficiency.
R / Beginner
Builders, Contractors, Architects

Building Energy 2010

March 9 – 11, 2010

Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Natural Materials: A New Look at the Old Ways 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Tuesday, March 9 Workshop Speaker(s): Ben Graham Terry Brennan

This workshop will look at natural materials in two parts. First we will cover the materials themselves. There will be a discussion of the availability, cost and performance of different materials such as Durisol, Strawbales, clay plasters and wood fiber batts. We will cover thermal, hygro, permeability and durability performance based on test studies. The second part of the workshop will cover how the materials stack up in building assemblies. We will go over effective construction details and real data showing how natural building methods perform in a whole building.

Building Materials - Health Challenges and Natural Construction Alternatives

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Thursday, March 11

Session Speaker(s): Liz Harriman Ben Graham

This session will first look at potential human and environmental health hazards from construction materials such as finishes, plastics, additives, brominated flame retardants, fluoropolymers, and other substances. This will be followed by a presentation on natural building materials and systems that are minimally processed and are potentially more sustainable for our natural resources and human health. A view towards energy efficiency when building with natural materials will also be provided.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meet Pan

The newest member of the Clan.
January 19th, 12:56am
3lbs. 10oz.